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Ankhtifi biography channels

The Autobiography of the Nomarch Ankhtifi.!

The Case of Ankhtifi; Crisis, Care, and Power

Ankhtifi, a nomarch of the 3rd and 2nd Upper Egyptian nomes during the earlier part of the Herakleopolitan period, embodies the new type of local ruler that emerged during the First Intermediate Period.

Such a man as you has never before been born and will never after be born.

  • Some of the phrases in Ankhtifi's biography, such as those mentioning cannibalism, were likely not a reflection of reality, but was used to assert moral.
  • The Autobiography of the Nomarch Ankhtifi.
  • In a similar sense, the Autobiography of Ankhtifi, again, illustrates the degree of autonomy that the nomarch constantly boasts about: I am the beginning.
  • Through this single act were born male and female deities, who in turn sexually interacted and produced another pair and so on.
  • His autobiographical text, inscribed on the pillars of his rock tomb near el-Mo'alla (some 30 km. south of Thebes), is one of the most spectacular examples of its genre to survive from ancient Egypt. It provides the ideal guide to the great issues of the time, and compellingly evokes the political atmosphere of southern Upper Egypt during the First Intermediate Period.

    As ‘great overlord of the nomes of Edfu and Hierakonpolis’ and ‘overseer of priests’, Ankhtifi simultaneously held key positions in both the religious and secular wings of the Old Kingdom provincial administration.

    In fact, this combination of offices was typical for the largely independent local rulers during the First Interme