Ann arnett ferguson biography of donald
Ann Arnett Ferguson demonstrates how a group of eleven- and twelve-year-old males are identified by school personnel as "bound for jail" and how the youth.
Ann Arnett Ferguson is the Associate Professor Emeritus of Afro-American Studies at Smith College.!
Why Radical Academics Often Find it Hard to Write
Nancy Lindisfarne and Jonathan Neale look at Ann Arnett Ferguson’s Bad Boys: Public Schools in the Making of Black Masculinity (Ann Arbour, University of Michigan Press, 2001).
This is a very good book about the depth of American racism behind the school to prison pipeline, the Ferguson and Black Lives Matter protests, and the new civil rights movement which is emerging in the United States.
Bad Boys should also be read as a model for sociological research and theory. It is a brilliant example of how to do intersectional analysis.
The book begins –
Soon after I began fieldwork at Rosa Parks Elementary School, one of the adults, an African American man, pointed to a black boy who walked by us in the hallway.
The author takes us into the world of a single, urban elementary school populated by students who have already been labeled as troublemakers and future.“That one has a jail-cell with his name on it,” he told me. We were looking at a ten-year-old, barely four feet tall, whose frail body was shrouded in baggy pants and a hooded sweatshirt. The boy, Lamar, passed with the