Thierry soursac biography sample
Thierry Soursac 75,000.
What are your views on these opportunities?.
The Chairman of Mayne Group Limited (Mayne), Mr Peter Willcox, announced the Board will be appointing Dr Thierry Soursac as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director for Mayne Pharma upon Mayne's shareholders giving approval to proceed with the demerger and the demerger becoming effective.
Dr Soursac studied medicine at the School of Medicine of Angers and subsequently specialised in oncology in France. After completing an MD in 1981, he became assistant professor in oncology, operated a clinical oncology practice and established and led the pharmacokinetics research department at the Paul Papin Center for five years.
Thierry soursac.During this time Dr Soursac also completed a PhD in clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics at Pitie-Salpetriere University in Paris.
After completing an MBA at INSEAD in 1986, Dr Soursac was appointed a hospital pharmaceutical sales representative for Rhone-Poulenc.
He was promoted to Head of Marketing of the French affiliate in 1988 and in 1990, fol