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Yorgos lanthimos filmography

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    Every Yorgos Lanthimos movie, ranked

    8. My Best Friend (2001)

    Though it’s technically his debut feature, the Greek farce My Best Friend feels far removed from Lanthimos’ filmography.

    For one, it’s nearly impossible to get your hands on. He also co-directed it with comedian Lakis Lazopoulos, which means there are fewer of his handprints here, though he still imbued the buddy comedy (about a man who finds his pal in bed with his wife) with plenty of dark humor.

    You’re probably not missing out by skipping it, though if you find a video rental store that 1) still exists and 2) carries a copy, our tip line is open.

    Yorgos lanthimos emma stone movies

    Where to watch My Best Friend: Not available to stream

    7. Kinetta (2005)

    Lanthimos’ first solo directorial venture follows three strangers (a plain-clothes police officer, an apathetic maid, and a creatively stunted videographer) at a vacant hotel who awkwardly roleplay rapes and murders on tape.

    The taboo premise is par for the course in the director