Andrew jackson childrens biography series
Getting to Know the U.S. Presidents series combines a delightful mix of full-color historical reproductions, photos, and hilarious cartoon-style illustrations.!
20 Best Books on Andrew Jackson ( Review)
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Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States. Before becoming president, he served seats in Congress and remained well known for his position in the military where he led armies to one successful battle after another, including the Battle of New Orleans.
Andrew Jackson was born in South Carolina on March 15, 1767.
Through his success as both a military and congressman, Andrew Jackson was known across the country before he ran for the position of President of the United States.
Once in the office, Andrew Jackson made several decisions and had a few beliefs that kept him in the mind of many.
For example, he believed in expanding the power of the president because the president reflected what the people wanted, and had the people’s best interests at heart. While some supported this belief and the e