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J. r. tolkien + biography

Where did j.r.r. tolkien live...

Tolkien Biography

Philologist, author, mythmaker and creator of "Middle Earth"
Professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford University, a brilliant philologist, and a self-described "hobbit," J.R.R.

How did j.r.r. tolkien die

  • How did j.r.r. tolkien die
  • J.r.r. tolkien grandchildren
  • Where did j.r.r. tolkien live
  • Interesting facts about j.r.r. tolkien
  • J.r.r. tolkien nationality
  • Tolkien created two of the best-loved stories of the 20th century, "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings", recently made into a multiple award-winning movie by the director Peter Jackson for New Line Cinema.

    Early Life
    John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born on January 3, 1892, in Bloemfontein, South Africa, to English parents. At the age of three his mother brought him and his younger brother, Hilary, back to England.

    tolkien's father died soon afterwards in South Africa, so the family stayed in England and by the summer of 1896 his mother found them a home in the hamlet of Sarehole, just outside the city Birmingham.

    tolkien's family lived in genteel poverty, eventually moving to Moseley a suburb of Birmingham, just north west of Sarehole