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Books containing stories by David Arnold

After Life (2025)
Gayle Forman
"After Life proves once again that Gayle Forman is a master of both high concept and character.

Full of grace and beauty, this book asks big questions about loss and grief, guilt and forgiveness, without ever straying from its true center: the unbreakable bond of sibling love.

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  • Forman weaves seemingly unconnected threads throughout the book, blurring the lines between fate and coincidence, until bringing it all together in a revelatory ending. I won't soon forget this one."

    Six More Months of June (2024)
    Daisy Garrison
    "With blistering dialogue and prose that sings, Garrison's soaring debut is an ode to the teenage experience, and all the feelings that come with it.

    This is high school at its most visceral, the glittering lovechild of LADY BIRD and THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER. A provocative portrait of love and friendship (and the blurry lines between), SIX MORE MONTHS OF JUNE is a true stunner of a n