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Robert f kennedy biography 1968 campaign

Who did robert kennedy run against for president

How did robert kennedy die...

Robert F. Kennedy

part 1, 2, 3

Robert Kennedy attracted exuberant and sometimes chaotic crowds during the course of his campaign.
Photo by Steve Shapiro

In late March, Robert Kennedy campaigned in 13 states, from Alabama to New York to California.

He had long odds against him. The Democratic Party was filled with people who opposed him.

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  • As attorney general in his brother's administration, Kennedy had alienated southern Democrats by attacking segregation; he made enemies of labor leaders by fighting corruption in American unions.

    "Kennedy had to demonstrate to [Democratic Party] leaders that their local tickets were going to be helped if they had Kennedy at the head of the ticket," Mankiewicz says.

    In 1968, party bosses still enjoyed vast power over who got the presidential nomination. Kennedy had to prove he was a contender to Democratic power brokers like Richard J. Daley, the legendary mayor of Chicago. To do so, Kennedy needed to draw large crowds at his rallies and fav