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Autobiography yogananda paramhansa pictures

Srf autobiography of a yogi

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Autobiography of a Yogi, Free Online

Ananda and Crystal Clarity Publishers are pleased to announce the online publication of the complete first edition of Paramhansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi.

Through this online version, we hope to make Yogananda’s spiritual classic freely available to seekers throughout the world.

The print version of the 1946 Autobiography is available direct from Crystal Clarity Publishers through secure online ordering. We hope you enjoy this free gift of the first online edition.

Ananda was founded by Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple of Yogananda.

Yogananda meditation center

  • Yogananda meditation center
  • Yogananda photos
  • Srf gurus photos
  • Yogananda: books
  • Srf altar pictures
  • Kriyananda was inspired by his guru to start “World Brotherhood Colonies.” Ananda, and its sister colonies throughout the world, are the fulfillment of Yogananda’s dream. See Chapter 48, in this 1946 edition, to read Yogananda’s own words on World Brotherhood Colonies.

    Autobiography of a Yogi is not an ordinary book.

    It is a spiritual treasure. To read its message of hope to all truthseekers