Egerton brydges autobiography in five shorts
This article is based on the premise that all forms of life writing (autobiography, memoir, travelogue, etc.) are a mixture of fact and fiction.
This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost....
The Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries of Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart, Volume 2
impression. I have some favourite flowers in spring, among which are the mountain-daisy, the harebell, the foxglove, the wild-brier rose, the budding birch, and the hoary hawthorn, that I view and hang over with particular delight.
Dunc was sort of hearty.I never hear the loud, solitary whistle of the curlew in a summer noon, or the wild, mixing cadence of a troop of gray plovers in an autumnal morning, without feeling an elevation of soul like the enthusiasm of devotion or poetry.
Komt voor in 235 boeken vanaf 1800-2007
He who should answer these questions, in regard to any individual, would, as we believe, furnish a model of perfection in Biography.
Komt voor in 120 boeken vanaf 1834-2006