Temple of karnak thutmose iii biography
Thutmose iii family...
When was thutmose iii born
The seventh pylon shows Thutmose III wearing the red crown and smiting his enemies with a club. There is also a list of 119 Palestinian towns that were conquered during his first campaigns and a further 240 names cities between Lebanon and the Euphrates, which he took in year 33rd of his reign during his eighth campaign.
Two badly damaged colossi sits in front of the pylon. But these statues were carved in hard red Aswan granite and the remaining parts are still well defined.
The first court behind the seventh pylon is called the court of the Cachette because 20,000 statues and stela were discovered buried there at the beginning of the twentieth century; the largest find of statuary ever made in Egypt
Egyptologists believe these objects were votive offerings given by devout worshipers to the temple.
As the collection grew, the priests couldn’t remove the sacred objects and resorted to burying them to declutter the space.
Before the seventh innermost pylon, is the eighth,